Grace Upon Grace
Celebrating 175 Years: 1848 - 2023
Sunday, November 5, 2023

Rev. Timothy Scharr, Southern Illinois District President, LCMS, was the guest speaker for Sunday's worship service.

Diann Scherle, pianist/organist

Rev. Thomas Handrick, Rev. Timothy Scharr, Rev. James Leistico, Rev. Randy Fischer, Suzanne Lane, wife of Rev. Stephen Lane who could not attend. Rev. Handrick, Rev. Leistico, and Rev. Lane are former pastors of St. John's. Rev. Fischer currently serves as our pastor.

After worship and thanksgiving came fellowship and lunch and more fellowship, much more fellowship.

The church is a unity in Christ, not a bunch of people who just happen to believe that Jesus Christ is the Savior. Seeing ourselves as bonded with one another, even as we are bound to Christ, is essential for the life of the church. It is a bond that goes beyond all, is over and above every other bond we have on earth. -- Rev. Ronald and Becky Jansen