Contact Us
Because we do not staff a church office...
The best way to share information or to submit an item for our church bulletin is to email
We check email regularly.
To leave a voicemail, call 618.282.6060.
We typically check voicemail on weekends.
To mail items, send to
St. John's Lutheran Church
8446 1st Road
Evansville, IL 62242
Because Pastor Randy Fischer lives in Alton...
The best way to reach him is by email or phone. Pastor Fischer is also, in most cases, in the Ruma/Evansville area at least one day a week other than Sunday.
He is happy to make an appointment for an in-person visit.
Adult Instruction Classes
Adult instruction classes on the Lutheran faith are held at St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Evansville.
For more information, please call or email Pastor Fischer at 618-670-7736 or